You and your team are responsible for building and maintaining solid relationships with your company’s customers. Basically, customer service means providing what the customer wants and needs. Improving your customer service, therefore, means making your company easy to do business with, providing constant and accurate feedback, and consistently exhibiting commitment to your customers. Manuvis can help with all three (3) of these key tactics.
Designing your company to become easier to do business with usually involves process change. How many times have customers phoned to inquire about something as simple as providing them accurate delivery dates? Manuvis’ powerful, easy-to-use charts and reports will enable your team to become more efficient and provide an accurate answer while your customer is on the phone.
Can your company’s current business system software show you exactly when an order will be completed, and know that your answer is based upon actual manufacturing performance? Manuvis can! Our FactoryMRI solution gives your team this valuable insight immediately, through a simple web browser. As conditions change powerful event notifications may be quickly established to alert team members of potential impacts on your customers. Even if you are on the road and have access to the Internet, this same information is available through your company’s secured network. Think about how much more productive your sales team can be!
Providing constant and accurate feedback is simple with Manuvis. As much as they would like to, neither customer representatives nor manufacturing leaders have time available to keep each other updated as changes occur. Manuvis helps enable the customer service and manufacturing teams to work together rather than independently. Our FactoryMRI solution is the perfect communication conduit because data is continually refreshed. FactoryMRI will reduce the number of phone calls, messages, and especially time delays. These events will be significantly reduced since customer service reps will be able to obtain the information they need without waiting for someone to get an answer back to them. And manufacturing will be able to concentrate on producing customer orders on time with fewer interruptions.
Exhibiting commitment to your customers is another key foundation for successful customer service. Manuvis solutions foster proactive behaviors that build and strengthen your customer relationships. Imagine your team being able to consistently demonstrate these proactive behaviors on a continual basis. Do you think that would create added value for your customers? We do as well.